I have been thinking all day about my little family and some major decisions that are before me. My boys are growing up right before my eyes. It seems that I am constantly realizing that they are doing something new. I came across this pic of Ben when he was about two. He had wanted to sleep with his new bike and accidently fell asleep with it!

Here is Nate as a baby. He was my most "normal" pregancy. He is that baby that God gave me to heal my heart. I lost my third pregancy at the end of the first trimester. ( I lost numbers: 1,3, and 5) The DNC was on Dec 8 2004{my 34th birthday}. My heart was shattered. Even though Ben was 11 months old I still had a big hole in my heart for the other baby. December 16 I got out of bed, put up the tree and decorated the house for Bens first Christmas. I had to get my life back and make a good Christmas for Ben and Bryan. On January 7, 2005 {Bens first birthday}---I realized I was pregnant! I held my breathe until the end of my first trimester and then celebrated! I was carrying my little NATE!

Eli arrived as a whirlwind on April 17,2008. He has always been a shakere and mover. Within 24 hours of his arrival we survived two earthquakes. He ran our household schedule by nursing on his terms and schedule....like every time he thought about being hungry. He slept most of the first day he was born and stared me in the eye most of his first night as to say...what now mom...when do we go home?
Eli @ 3months
Baby Nate holding Grannys hand. feb 2006
I took this picture of a turtle -that interupted one of my photo sessions. I cant seem to delete him from my computer when I purge pictures. I guess I keep him around to remind me to slow down and enjoy these days.
Ben with his curly locks playing his keyboard.