There is a local flock that has been catching my eye. I looked at them with a disgusted interest. The flock is not responsible for their shabiness but there owner is. When I looked at them I wished that he would do something about them.
Yesterday I sent a friend a couple of pictures of some of the sheep. She has sheep and I figured that she would share disgust for the owner with me. Instead her comment was "look at that handsome ram".
Handsome ram?! Yeah I saw the ram...but all I saw was a ram that needed sheared and cleaned up for his own survival. That was enough for me.
Both of us saw that he had potential to be fixed up and lead a heathly life. But she had a shepherdess heart and saw that there was beauty and purpose.
Hmmmmmmmmm....I wonder if we looked at people with a that type compassion if we could lead each other to more than survival. Maybe that is the answer. Instead of "fixing" those who are down with just the basics for survival...it is time to look for their beauty and lead them to their purpose.
This little ram and kind shephedress leads me back to the writings of the psalmist David and his writings of the Great Shepherd.
I will be back reading Psalms.