Monday, September 5, 2011

Magic Traveling Suitcase!!

Mrs. Wizzle may have a magic traveling school bus...but she is a cartoon charactor and I cam a real, breathing, likes to eat cold cereal mom! And the other day I found a beautiful leather suitcase at a yardsale for 50 came home with me and it is going to "travel" all the land of Imagination ;-)
2011-08-31 15.38.22

I packed the suitcase with secret supplies....
2011-08-31 15.35.15

We took our "school" outside to the nearest cool shady spot...
2011-08-31 15.40.34
---yeah someone is wearing their pjs...hope you like their uniform!!

Then we climbed up in the learning tree to read the story of Madelines Rescue
2011-08-31 15.45.17

Back to the that we would still be in school...we learned about France where Medeline lives...we enjoyed some french food...koolaid(wine) and cheese(cheese sticks).
2011-08-31 15.55.02

Thus began our lapbook about Madeline and our study of France:
2011-08-31 16.25.12
2011-08-31 16.25.28
2011-08-31 16.25.47

travel courtesy of Magic Leather Yardsale Suitcase and Imagination Voyages


Tell me what you think!